Coming Home……….

"You'd be so nice..... you'd be paradise..... so nice to come home to and love."
“You’d be so nice….. you’d be paradise….. so nice to come home to and love.”

I hope this finds you, dear reader, well and happy. Today, I want to talk a little about home….. it’s fall, the idea of home and hearth are especially vivid, at this time of year. Thanksgiving (personally, my second favorite holiday) is right around the corner….. a time for reflection, on all the gifts in our lives…… a time of gratitude, for all of the things which create our home.

Today is the 92nd Anniversary of my grand”daddy” ‘s birth…… he and my grand”mother” lovingly reared me; their story is inextricably bound with mine. The minute my grand”parents” met, on a cross-country train ride, my grand”daddy” said he knew Tootsie was his home. They met during WWII….. young men (and women, for that matter) didn’t really know what the future looked like; they could only plan for the day under their feet.  Yet, he said he knew……. she was his destiny…… he would survive…. he would see the other side of the War….. and she would be at his side. This unshakable sense of ordinance elevated him, in the days ahead….. days that ensured almost-certain death…… and allowed him the great gift of envisioning home.

Home is much more than a place…… home is a feeling. Home is what we each carry, in our hearts, regardless of where we find ourselves. Home is composed of people……. the frame of shelter is the house….. the people inside that frame define home.

Creating “home”, for self and loved ones, is a huge part of the Sacred Assignment. Regardless of each individual’s life path, there’s got to be a place to hang one’s heart and hat….. and whether that place is filled with family, fur babies, or simply a zone of refuge, from a world that is too often cold and impersonal……. the space is deflated until each of us infuses it with meaning. Discerning one’s Sacred Assignment is conjoint with a personal definition of “home”. Regardless of what one is facing, a sense of “home” creates a foundation, a feeling of security, that fortifies one, under any circumstances. It is a vision that transcends time and location. Home is truly where the heart is.

From sunny California, to Baton Rouge, Louisiana…… back to Shreveport, my grand”daddy” ‘s home town….. he and my grand”mother” made manifest his self-fulfilling prophesy. This “home” is still in my heart, as I seek, and search…… to discover and fulfill my Sacred Assignment. I invite each of you to explore your “home”…… no judgments, no analysis….. just the feeling, the heartbeat……. then gratefully say to yourself, and your Sacred Assignment….. “Welcome home.”

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