In Praise of Doubt

Doubt always resolves, once we trust the soul.
Doubt always resolves, once we trust the soul.

There is a concept in psychology called confirmation bias .Without getting too technical, it basically means we humans search for information to support our beliefs, regardless of whether the information is factually based. Sometimes, this tendency leads to detours, on the Sacred Assignment path, that could have been avoided…… or, some of you might counter, maybe they weren’t detours after all. However, the research does show that many regrets are born of a wicked case of confirmation bias.

Now, once a person has gone through such an experience, one might think “Well, next time s/he is faced with a similar situation, I bet more contemplation will be involved.” Errr…… not necessarily.

Contemplation often leads to questions….. which is good. The benefit doesn’t change the fact that questions lead to more thought…. which can lead to the most frightening concept of all…. doubt. In the first place, most people are resistant to change…. but if they are forced to accept change, they at least want to keep their worldview intact, This is not always possible….. which leads to paralyzing doubt, about events, people….. the next step.

Doubt is designed to give pause; having doubts doesn’t mean one is a hopeless skeptic, chaotically confused or just “kinda flaky.” No, doubt is actually a very healthy response to many situations, it causes people to slow down and consider all angles. Instead of focusing on the good part, though, people tend to run, quickly, from the statement doubt inevitably creates, at least temporarily. People are loath to relax into the space called “I don’t know.”

“I don’t know” has gotten a bad reputation, for implying ignorance, laziness, apathy…. a general disconnect. Yet, “I don’t know” can also mean “I have questions I am trying to resolve. I am seeking information, to accomplish this task. I may not have an answer today, but I’m doing the hard work to have an answer tomorrow…. or soon.” Okay, great, but in our thirty-minute, prime-time world, this seems unacceptable too! Answers tomorrow? No, no!  We demand answers today…. yesterday…. last week…. and with such a treadmill, it is next to impossible for doubt to do its thing.

Doubt is a kissing cousin of discernment. Ahhh, discernment has a better connotation, doesn’t it? Discernment means taking a little time to really analyze, to toss possibilities, to read and study. Discernment is a form of contemplation…… of course, doubt is part and parcel of this process.

People are afraid of doubt because they fear it will weaken their convictions….. or their character….. or…. well, the list goes on and on. The truth is, without some shade of doubt, every now and again, it is almost guaranteed one is hurtling through life, asking few questions, running on auto-pilot….. and failing to pick up new facts on the ground. This speed-of-light pace can quickly undermine the Sacred Assignment.

It has been said that when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. This is often true, but sometimes, the student is simply thrust onto the stage, with little preparation, and few guideposts. In these cases, a healthy dose of doubt, which inspires authentic exploration, clears the way for the path of Sacred Assignment. If we each knew it all, we could wrap the assignment today, thoroughly satisfied that we left no stone unturned. I can only speak for myself, but I am highly doubtful I’ve mastered all the lessons I need to learn, to say “Job completed….. fully and perfectly.”

I am here to testify, my job is not completed! In order to keep moving forward, with my mini-assignments, I choose to recognize doubt as a friendly ally, in the quest of Sacred Assignment. Doubt does not shake faith; doubt creates an arena where questions can be explored…. and Sacred Assignment is all about exploration.

The next time you experience doubt, and it feels uncomfortable, sit with the fact that yes, it does feel uneasy. However, please try to remind yourself that doubt is the first step toward truth…. and the truth always sets you free!

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